Project Setup


Add lockjaw to the [dependencies] and [build_dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml:

lockjaw = "*"

lockjaw = "*"

The proc_macro and runtime library are packaged into the same crate, so this is the only target you need. While the proc_macro library is heavy, Rust should be able to optimize them away in the resulting binary. The runtime is pretty light, and the generated code is supposed to be zero cost abstraction.

Build script

Lockjaw also needs some environment setup, and requires a build script. Add next to Cargo.toml, and call lockjaw::build_script() in main() inside it:

fn main() {

The build script is required at the 'root' of your project, included binaries and any sub-crate with tests. Lockjaw will ask you to do this if this step is missing.

The build script scans through all source under the crate and its dependencies to locate any bindings that should be a part of the dependency graph. This is required as path resolution cannot be done in a proc_macro

Epilogue macro

You also must call the lockjaw::epilogue!() macro in the root of your root crate ( or


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