
This section discusses the creative solutions Lockjaw used to achieve its goal. They are abhorrent engineering practices that abuses undocumented behaviors of Rust, and are the main reasons you should not use Lockjaw in any serious project.

They are documented so maybe someone can come up with a better solution, or Rust can provide new language features to make Lockjaw usable.

Path resolution

Lockjaw need to know the fully qualified path of a type, so they can be compared against each other.

Bypassing visibility

A lot of symbols need should be private to the module/crate, but also give an exclusive bypass to Lockjaw, so it can be used by a component generated elsewhere, possibly a different crate.

Late implementation generation

Rust only allows impl blocks in the same mod the struct is in. However, some implementations have to be generated at the mod root or a different crate, where information are more complete.